Maya Millete Prayer Vigil

It is so hard to believe that Maya Millete has been missing now for 3 years! For those of you who don’t know the story, on January 7, 2021, beautiful Maya, only 39 years old and a loving mother to three young children, disappeared seemingly into thin air. Since that time, her heartbroken family has searched desperately for her, joined by a community which has expanded to national levels. The initial investigation revealed Maya wanted a divorce, but her husband, Larry, did not want to let her go.

On October 19, 2021, Larry, was charged with her murder even though Maya’s body had not been found. Larry pled not guilty, and from the beginning has insisted he had nothing to do with Maya’s disappearance. But even as the case moves forward in the criminal court with Larry’s murder trial scheduled for August 26, 2024, Maya remains missing, and the haunting questions loom large: Where is Maya Millete? Will she ever be found?

 Maya’s sister, Maricris, sent this prayer vigil flyer to me. I have gotten to know the family over the past years through the searches, court hearings, and other events. They are wonderful people who deserve answers. I will be attending this candlelight vigil on Sunday. Please pray and send positive thoughts for Maya’s family and all families who have loved ones missing. No family should have to search for all eternity.

To learn more about this tragic case, you may read the stories on my website as I have followed the case from the beginning. I also attended Larry’s preliminary hearing, which took on trial-like proportions, lasting 10 days and with the calling of 18 witnesses. My full story is on my website. Please also watch “48 Hours: Searching for Maya Millete,” in which I appeared as an expert.

Maya Millete Missing Poster

About Aleida K. Wahn, Esq.

I am an attorney, award-winning true crime writer, and legal analyst of criminal cases. I cover criminal trials and write stories and books about compelling, gripping, and unforgettable cases that impact our world. I take you into the courtroom in high-profile murder trials, rape cases, crimes of passion, cases involving mental illness, deviant behavior, and more. I have a deep passion for true crime, criminal law, and all aspects of the criminal justice system. I have appeared as an expert on true crime shows, including “48 Hours,” “Snapped,” and “The Dead Files,” and provided legal analysis on high-profile criminal trials on Court TV, the Law & Crime Trial Network, Fox 5 News, ABC 10 News, and KUSI News. I also create and host shows with the Del Mar Television Producers Group, addressing criminal justice and social issues in recent criminal trials.

I provided my insight and legal analysis on Court TV and the Law & Crime Trial Network of the high-profile trial of former NFL star Kellen Winslow Jr. It was a trial that captured the nation as the heralded ex-football star with fame, fortune, and a famous name stood accused of multiple rapes and other sex crimes involving five women. As the trial delved into shocking facts, complicated legal issues, and unexpected twists and turns, I was there for every minute. After the trial, I wrote a book on the case, going behind the headlines to share the extraordinary details of what happened inside the courtroom. Judging Winslow Jr.: From NFL Star to Serial Rapist? Inside the Shocking Rape Trial of Kellen Boswell Winslow II is now available on Amazon.

I am passionate about telling true crime stories, as these penetrating stories have the power to move us all, while highlighting societal issues which need to be addressed. I have personally seen the human devastation which is present in each trial and believe there is a lesson to be learned in every single case. It is through awareness and examining critical issues society can effect change and even make new laws. To learn more, please visit:

Read about the gripping and unforgettable trials that I have covered in my latest books: